Monday, November 10, 2008

Nicole & JR

Upon meeting them you'd think they were just like any other couple about to getting married. They're equally excited and anxious, chatting about possible honeymoon locations and color schemes of the reception. But then you hear how they met and you're struck with the feeling that there was divine intervention at work. Nicole and her mom sent 100 care packages to soldiers in Iraq. JR was one of those soldiers, and had the audacity to email her and tell her the chocolate she sent had melted. But their relationship grew and now here they are, several years later, pledging their lives to live as one. Amazing.

Congrats guys, we had so much fun with you and are anxiously awaiting your wedding as well!

JR plays bass for United Underground, so we twisted his arm to jam for us.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Sam and Amber had quite the hippy dippy celebration a few weeks back.
It was sweet and simple and so completely them.
Here are a few of our favorites.

As is the case with most cute kids, their son Keagan stole the show.

Congrats Sam, Amber and Keagan.
We were blessed to be a part of your amazing day!