Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's been real!!

So Beth*Lee is not yet offcially over and done. We still have a few weddings lined up this summer, and I'll be sticking around to polish off the dedicated people who chose us to shoot there special day. Were might Beth*Lee be headed you ask? Well (Lorie)Beth, is staying put, we all know that she was Lorie Chambless Photography, for the last few years, and so things will go back to the way they were. (Website). (David)Lee is moving to Texas July 1st. I myself will be getting married June 5th, and shortly there after will be loading up the Ac, with my new wife, and pooch and headed East. There David will be pursuing his own photography under DavidLee Photography. (Website...Up Soon...).
It's been a great year and the both us of have truly enjoyed being able to grown in our relationship together shooting, and just being the family we've never really been able to be. It's been an amazing year. We want to thank all of those who used Beth*Lee photography, and encourage you to keep up with Lorie. She loves meeting up with her older clients and shooting. I'd just like that thank you all for the opportunity to shoot it up with you guys, and for your flexibility to trust us and to think outside the box.
Thanks Again!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Andrew and Jesse / Cayucos, CA

This couple rocked our socks off, maybe it's cause he's from England, maybe it's cause they're sorta family, but not, but still family.., maybe it was the location, maybe it's cause they have the cutest daughter ever, maybe I just can't decide why it was, or maybe it was all of this and more!!
I think this wedding definitely goes on the ballot of best wedding ever shot!!

Congrats guys!!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Nicole & JR

Upon meeting them you'd think they were just like any other couple about to getting married. They're equally excited and anxious, chatting about possible honeymoon locations and color schemes of the reception. But then you hear how they met and you're struck with the feeling that there was divine intervention at work. Nicole and her mom sent 100 care packages to soldiers in Iraq. JR was one of those soldiers, and had the audacity to email her and tell her the chocolate she sent had melted. But their relationship grew and now here they are, several years later, pledging their lives to live as one. Amazing.

Congrats guys, we had so much fun with you and are anxiously awaiting your wedding as well!

JR plays bass for United Underground, so we twisted his arm to jam for us.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Sam and Amber had quite the hippy dippy celebration a few weeks back.
It was sweet and simple and so completely them.
Here are a few of our favorites.

As is the case with most cute kids, their son Keagan stole the show.

Congrats Sam, Amber and Keagan.
We were blessed to be a part of your amazing day!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wow, a post at last!

So Brandon and Tiffany, two ridiculously good-looking cousins, drove down from Coalinga to hang with us. We had a blast. Here's some of our favorites from the day...

They're not too excited they're seniors.

The crew...you know, props, hair/make-up, wardrobe...you name it, we bring it.

It's too bad we don't have any fun at what we do.

My bro is fabulously weird...

Thanks everybody! We had a fabulous afternoon with you!